Date: Tue, 11 Nov 1997 10:37:54 -0500 From: Joshua Harmon Subject: Re: Movietone & SoTL (was: We, Asphodel and some Misc reviews) >> >>The only thing I've ever heard by Movietone was one song that had some quiet >>strummy-guitar kind of verses (a la FSA's folkier side) coupled with >>annoyingly-atonal clarinet skronking for the chorus. Not my cuppa tea. Is >>this typical of their style? >Not sure. Andrew Norman recommended it, I think. The first Movieone LP and the singles are all I've heard, but this is pretty typical of their sound--ranging from very beautiful and delicate folksy stuff to some sparse, dissonant (but not ever really distorted as in FSA) guitars to the skronk rock that occasionally drops in to obliterate the rest. The Useless Landscape 7" adds some nice piano too. I'm looking forward to getting the new album at any rate.